Last week's monday was Sister น้ำทิพย์'s birthday, so we were able to have a wonderful Family Home Evening with a bunch of members. When it came to sharing the spiritual thought, some of the members were sharing their concerns on Khon Kaen branch and it's growth. During the discussion, I've learned two things, 1. Concerns can be taken in a positive or a negative direction. 2. It may be okay to be devastated or sad about anything in life, but do not be discouraged. Throughout the entire week, I felt impressed to promise all the members that the Khon Kaen will grow... it's a pretty big promise... but I know that the Lord will help us. While promising them, I immediately saw the member's excitement to not just see it happen but to make it happen. Khon Kaen will do great this upcoming year.
Tuesday, we did service at Sister Lek! It was really scary seeing her light brushes on fire... Literally several meters away from her house. But she got it done! I love service. I look forward to being able to continue service others wherever I go. Talking about service, we had english class! It was Elder Rands' first english class! It was really fun.
Wednesday. I went to Bangkok for a District Leader Meeting. That's 7 hours there and another 7 back (by train! It was sooooooo cool riding on a sleeper's train!). It was a great meeting. I learned that no matter what responsibility that we have, whether it's small or big... it's important. We were able to take our (proabably last one) MTC group picture. :) I love them all.
Thursday. We went biking for long ways! We found Brother ประสิทธ์ at his little farm. We were able to share the Light the World message with him. He loved it! He also came to church this past Sunday! Yay! After that, we visited another lovely couple, Sister จงรัก and Brother สุพจน์, whom are related to Brother ประสิทธ์. They also loved the Christmas message. :) We found Brother บุญทัน that night, a referral from Korat! He's solid! He's an investigator of Sister Ninrat, (I served with her in Udorn). He's Christian, and has been really focused at reading the Book of Mormon. As of then he was in Alma 40+, and told us... "I know that the Book of Mormon is true, and that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God." We are working real hard to help him come to church. :)
Friday. Prepared for Brother Pu's baptism. :)
Saturday. Service! We visited the lovely family of Brother Chai and Sister Yuri. What was cute was that one of their kid, Jessica... wouldn't sit down for the lesson. But when we shared the Light the World video, she dropped her stuffed animal, sat down and watched with us. Haha. This family is so cute.
This past week has been great. A lot happened. We made new goals, for this upcoming week... it'll will be great. :)
I love you all.
I love the Christmas Spirit! I know that Jesus is the Christ! He is God's gift for us. They both love us so much. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
- Elder Santeco
Why my skin color is so black?