A weird selfie of myself. |
We went to Bangkok for Elder Nielson's paperwork. That took the whole day. But during the day, we were able to come across many foreigners. Elder Nielson really impressed me as he constantly opened his mouth and share the message of the Restoration with them. There was great boldness in how he shared the message as he talked to them. I could feel the power in his testimony every single time he shared it. He's a great missionary. He'll be moving to Bangbuathong, and will be begin his journey in the cities. He'll do great.
I learned a lot from him. Elder Nielson is a great example of faith. I have never met a more obedient missionary in my life. He is always seeking the Lord's will and willing to do whatever the Lord commands of him. The Lord will definitely do great miracles with him.
I have been reading the Book of Mormon more than I have ever done. I have read up to Mosiah 10 and am still planning to finish the Book of Mormon (in Thai) before I finish my mission. It's going to happen. The impressions and feelings that I get from the Holy Ghost as I read, really has built my fire to teach repentance, and baptize converts. The Book of Mormon is amazing. I know that the Book of Mormon is true.
One thing that we are working on is that... We are focusing on finding families. <3 I love families.
I love you all.
I'll be staying here in Khon Kaen and will be training. :)
The Lord is so merciful. I know that He lives! In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
- Elder Santeco

Brother Poo and Brother Arm (Our Branch Mission Leader) went shopping with our bikes.
Sister ออย got confirmed and Brother สัน got baptized! The Sister missionaries are doing great!
We visited Brother Paw (เปา), our investigator at the hospital after his surgery. Brother Poo also tagged along. Haha.
An LA, Brother Git (I can't spell it), whom lives in another District, miraculously passed by us along the road...then drove us to the church to drop off pineapples. We were able to teach his student, เต้ย about the Plan of Salvation. (We ran out of POS pamphlets). It was an amazing lesson. We all felt the spirit. He wants to come to church. He wants to be baptized. But lives really really far. I know that the Lord will provide a way for him. :)
Brother Poo and Brother Arm prepared Sushi for Sunday's lunch.
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