It is amazing that everything is always based off on faith. As long as
we keep the faith and hope that God will provide a way to do His work,
it will happen.
This past week has been quite an adventure.
- Went to ร้อย เอ็ด... again. We had a zone training so that following
morning we let ร้อย เอ็ด and headed to กาฬสินธุ์! The land of the
Dinosaurs! Elder Reid and I were able to take several pictures. :)
Training was great. The zone leaders helped me understand that God is
the one that is making all of this happen! I am just an instrument of
the Lord. It was a very humbling experience.
Oh! And the zone leaders gave me my package! I loved everything!!!
Especially the letters. *sigh* The Lord is good man. :) I am glad that
all is well at home.
I'll be cooking ramen and corned beef pretty soon. Hahaha.
I love miracles.
This past week, I felt a powerful spiritual prompting. The Holy Ghost
telling me to be brave and courageous at all times(specifically during
inviting and calling investigators/members)!!! It was an intense
feeling. I was hesitant at first but I followed the prompting.
We only had one inviting session this past week due to our busy
schedule. But it was awesome! During the 2 hours of inviting, I was
able to talk to have many open conversations. I never saw myself being
able to communicate with khon Thais or having a decent conversation
with them. But I did it and because I followed the prompting of the
Spirit, I was able to receive 20 numbers/potential investigators.The
following day, I again felt the prompting to call them. Initially I
offered Elder Reid to call them but he obviously turned down the
offer. I then called all of the numbers. Out of the 20 numbers, I was
able to set up appointments for two of the potential investigators. I
should also mention that 4 of the numbers were fake. Hahah. I love the
work. It's great.
"Now they were desirous that salvation should be declared to every
creature, for they could not bear that any human soul should perish;
yea, even the very thoughts that any soul should endure endless
torment did cause them to quake and tremble." - Mosiah 28:3
I read this talk today. Loved it. If you have nothing to do... Read it. :)
There's so much happening and I am loving every minute of it. I love
God. I love His Gospel. I love everything and everyone in the world.
Mom, Dad, Marvy, Marisa, Jesse... Thank you for being a weird/awesome
family. :) Haha. I love you guys. Family Together Forever.
Much love,
Elder Santeco
โอ๋ took us. :) We went sight seeing along the way. Oh! and Brother โอ๋ drew those pictures..
I'll be riding dinosaurs like a boss
I'll be preaching on my orange dino yo.
... oh yeah.
Pics from E. Reid's Camera
sister mon.. has an older sister that will be room mate with elder
Reid's sister at byuh...SO COOL
I was surrounded by all these people that I don't know. Hahaha.
Love you guys! Have a lovely week. :)
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